Thoughts and Reflections

Still Life
Still Life. How to preserve. And I don’t mean with sugar or air drying. Painting them works for me. The pear tree in our garden is somewhat of a diva. With really sweet and juice little pears it is like it knows to give fruit only when it pleases. To savor that rare occasion I paint some pears. Here are two paintings. The blue oneRead More
Categories : Fresh from my easel

From Dark to Light
She is hopeful. Yet wary that the first step might be shaky. But she is determined that hope is there. From Dark to Light. Oil on canvas. 100×130 cm.Read More
Categories : Fresh from my easel

New beginning
There are no upper limit on restarts. Try-agains. New beginnings. Every new beginning is – new. Maybe a little smarter, slower, stronger or just with a determination not to give up. We are in the very start of 2022 so even if your path is the same, totally opposite or kneedeep in where you are at the moment, it is a beginning. The year aheadRead More
Categories : Okategoriserade, Paintings

Happy Mending Day!
Let’s challenge Black Friday with an official Mending Day. A day to take care of what we already have. Are there clothes/things one need and can get for a good price on a Black Friday sale, fine. But for most of us it is probably more a want than a need. So bring out needle and tread and fix the whole in your sweater, pimpRead More
Categories : Comment of the day, Illustrations, Lifestyle