In-between-painting. Clearing the mind. Paus. Putting the brush on the canvas. Go with the flow of the mind, pick colors by feeling, everything goes. Test: use no white. Blue! Have no idea. Not my typical color to use. Why not. See what happens. A face! What a surprise. I never do that! (Ironi) Flowers! How strange. I never do that. A woman! So unusual. I …
It is all about connecting
It is all about connecting, the dots, the words, the elements that flow around, scattered and visibly alone, apart and disconnected. Anchoring the ones that stand alone, connecting what belongs together and bridging the ones that have drifted away. Saving what’s good and forget about the rest. Oh, that applies to painting as well. “Out of Power”, “No Focus” “Power of Thoughts”. Title: ”Power”, oil …
How yoga feels like to me.
I got this image into my head doing yoga class. It’s what yoga does to me. Namaste!