Thoughts and Reflections
De här barnen behöver ett hem.
”Allas våra barn” De här barnen behöver ett hem. Organisationen Children’s Equal Rights stödjer barnhem i Estland och ger vård, rehabilitering och utbildning för de barn som inte har fått rätten till ett liv i trygghet med egna föräldrar vid sin sida. Jag vill gärna bidra och därför har jag låtit Children’s Equal Rights auktionera ut dessa fyra oljemålningar, varje 30×30 cm. 50% av högstaRead More
Categories : Paintings
Cat in corner
My cat is my perfect painting partner. Does not give any remarks that makes me start thinking (doubting). Does not ask what I mean. Does not ask if it is finished. Does not say that it looks different from what I normally do. My cat doesn’t say; you can do better. I have learned from experience. Keep comments away during process of creating until youRead More
Categories : Paintings
Color scheme
I love the colorcombo. Sometimes things just look right. The light, the cat, the broom. No ones intention becomes my inspiration.Read More
Categories : Comment of the day, Photos
WIndowdisplay for Optician. Any painting job is a good job. And to display small things like glasses is a challenge. So this time I painted signs of different shapes of faces, like a styleguide. My neighbor peeked in and captured me on his camera. Thanks.Read More
Categories : Paintings