Still Life. How to preserve. And I don’t mean with sugar or air drying. Painting them works for me. The pear tree in our garden is somewhat of a diva. With really sweet and juice little pears it is like it knows to give fruit only when it pleases. To savor that rare occasion I paint some pears. Here are two paintings. The blue one …
It is all about connecting
It is all about connecting, the dots, the words, the elements that flow around, scattered and visibly alone, apart and disconnected. Anchoring the ones that stand alone, connecting what belongs together and bridging the ones that have drifted away. Saving what’s good and forget about the rest. Oh, that applies to painting as well. “Out of Power”, “No Focus” “Power of Thoughts”. Title: ”Power”, oil …
Trusting the process of artmaking
Trusting myself, trusting the process and taking it all the way to the very end. That is a challenge. There is even a movement called Process Art that is associated with the 1960s. It is the journey or the process that is art. It doesn’t even have to have an object to show as a finished result. I remember reading about an artist who made …
Vernissagedagen bjöd på skön augustivärme i och runt Galleri Hantverket på Södermalm. Blommor i vaser och blommor och träd på målningar, ansikten och människor i olja och ansikten och kroppar i sin verkliga form. En dag där Kvinnligt och Sinnligt fick frodas och en dag när mötet mellan konst och människor kändes hur naturligt som helst. Opening day of Art Show. Flowers, trees and people …